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I Can't Stand It by Arief Sugianto - My Shiok Sendiri Moment

I'm not sure if any of you remember....but way back in the 90s, the Teenage Textbook was published, and it became a sensation among teenagers. Along with that was a Valentine's Day book...I can't remember the title now, but it had a collection of quotes, poetry and short stories by some junior college students. That book sure inspired alot of shiok sendiri moments.

A poem I remembered so well, and which rang true for alot of people I'm sure at that time was this one by Arief Sugianto. I only hope I remember it correctly.

I love someone
Though he knows it not
I love someone
Though he gives me no thought.

I gaze upon his countenance
Knowing I'm not worthy of his affections
And my heart sways in every direction
Torn by my emotions

Does he not see, Does he not know
That my love, my heart is true
Oh why does he torment me so
What should I say, what should I do?

If I tell him that I love him
Would he be kind or would he be cruel?
If I tell him that I love him
Would he love me or mock me as a fool?

What should I do
I'm so confused
I've never felt this way before
Is there anyone who'll help me?
I am drowning, there is no shore.

This entry was a total shiok sendiri moment for me. Super high.
Just writing it makes me feel 14 again....hahaha...the mushiest most unbelievable poem I actually read out to the school....imagine that...with feelings and everything. And I even won the competition for this. Hehehe...