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A Typical Day At The Office

This is a quick one from the field.....

An ordinary day at the marketing corner would have the following:

1) Rock Chick laughing at her screen and turning all red, and then asking us, "What....?",, or just continue laughing by herself.

2) Kooki Shiokness talking to herself. The real world and her imaginary one seems to merge, cos half the time I am not sure if she's talking to me or herself

3) Foxy Shiokness belting out the tracks from her music player, if we're lucky, we get to see a performance complete with "power facial expressions".

4) I'm just in my own world, laughing at jokes a little bit after everyone else. Very shiok sendiri.

More often than not, someone will spark some laughing gas, and then all 4 will start laughing hysterically.... and Mr Shiok Sendiri will be left to wonder...... and conclude that it's our daily shiok sendiri session.

Ok lah, till when I have more time....


Thank you Calamari Shiokness A.K.A Shiok Sotong... I enjoyed your enlightening blog... and your bursts of absolute shiok sendiriness...

What? what?

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